Java Spring Boot Course

Live Instructor-Led Classes with Project-Based Learning in Java Spring Boot Course

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Java Spring Boot  
Course Overview

Are you ready to master the Java Spring Boot framework and build robust, enterprise-grade applications?

Our Java Spring Boot Developer Course is a live, instructor-led program designed to equip you with the skills to build powerful back-end applications in just 6 months. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Java and dive deep into the Spring Boot framework, which is widely used for creating scalable, production-ready applications. The course covers essential concepts such as dependency injection, RESTful APIs, database integration with Hibernate, and Spring Data JPA.

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Java Spring Boot 
Course Syllabus

An industry-aligned curriculum to make you productive from day one – we update the curriculum every month to make sure you learn the most in-demand skills.

Course Introduction
  1. Course Introduction
  2. [Important] Access for Source Code and Learner Community
Core Java
  1. Introduction to Java
  2. JDK Setup
  3. First Code in Java
  4. How Java Works
  5. Variables
  6. Data Types
  7. Literal
  8. Type Conversion
  9. Arithmetic Operators
  10. Relational Operators
  11. Logical Operators
  12. If Else
  13. If Else If
  14. Ternary
  15. Switch Statement
  16. Need For Loop
  17. While Loop
  18. Do While Loop
  19. For Loop
  20. Which Loop To Use
  21. Class And Object Theory
  22. Class and Object Practical
  24. Methods
  25. Method Overloading
  26. Stack And Heap
  27. Need of Array
  28. Creation of Array
  29. Multi Dimensional Array
  30. jagged and 3D Array
  31. Drawbacks of Array
  32. Array of Objects
  33. Enhanced for loop
  34. What is String
  35. Mutable vs Immutable string
  36. StringBuffer and StringBuilder
  37. Static Variable
  38. Static method
  39. Static block
  40. Encapsulation
  41. Getters and setters
  42. This keyword
  43. Constructor
  44. Default vs Parameterized Constructor
  45. Naming Convention
  46. Anonymous Object
  47. What is Inheritance
  48. Need of Inheritance
  49. Single and Multilevel inheritance
  50. Multiple Inheritance
  51. This and super method
  52. Method Overriding
  53. Packages
  54. Access Modifiers
  55. Polymorphism
  56. Dynamic Method Dispatch
  57. Final keyword
  58. Object Class equals toString hashcode
  59. Upcasting and Downcasting
  60. Wrapper Class
Advance Java
  1. Introduction
  2. Abstract keyword
  3. Inner class
  4. Anonymous Inner class
  5. Abstract and Anonymous Inner Class
  6. What is Interface
  7. More on Interfaces
  8. Need of Interface
  9. What is Enum
  10. Enum if and switch
  11. Enum Class
  12. What is Annotation
  13. Types of Interface
  14. Functional Interface New
  15. Lambda Expression
  16. Lambda Expression with return
  17. What is Exception ?
  18. Exception Handling using try catch
  19. Try with multiple catch
  20. Exception Hierarchy
  21. Exception throw keyword
  22. Custom Exception
  23. Ducking Exception using throws
  24. User Input using Buffered Reader and Scanner
  25. Try with resources
  26. Threads
  27. Multiple Threads
  28. Thread Priority and Sleep
  29. Runnable vs Thread
  30. Race Condition
  31. Thread states
  32. Collection API
  33. ArrayList
  34. Set
  35. Map
  36. Comparator vs Comparable
  37. Need of Stream API
  38. forEach Method
  39. Stream API
  40. Map Filter Reduce Sorted
  41. ParallelStream in Java
  42. Optional class in Java
  43. Method Reference
  44. Constructor Reference
  1. Maven introduction
  2. Maven in IDE
  3. Getting Dependencies
  4. Effective POM
  5. Maven Archetype
  6. Maven in Eclipse
  7. How Maven Works
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
  1. JDBC Introduction
  2. Postgres Setup
  3. JDBC Steps
  4. Postgres Library jar
  5. Connecting Java and DB
  6. Execute and Process
  7. Fetching all Records
  8. Crud operations
  9. Problems with Statement
  10. Prepared Statement
Spring Getting Started
  1. Introduction To Spring
  2. Spring Docs
  3. Prerequisites
  4. IDE For Spring
  5. IoC And DI
  6. Spring Vs Spring Boot
  7. First Spring Boot App
  8. DI Using Spring Boot
  9. Autowiring In Spring Boot
Exploring Spring Framework
  1. Spring 1st Project
  2. Spring Bean Xml Config
  3. Object Creation
  4. Scopes
  5. Setter Injection
  6. Ref Attribute
  7. Constructor Injection
  8. Creating Interface
  9. Autowiring
  10. Primary Bean
  11. Lazy Init Bean
  12. Getbean By Type
  13. Inner Bean
Working with Java Based Configuration
  1. Java Based Config
  2. Bean Name
  3. Scope Annotation
  4. Autowire
  5. Primary And Qualifier
  6. Component Stereotype Annotation
  7. Autowire Field, Constructor, Setter
  8. Primary Annotation
  9. Scope And Value Annotation
Moving to Spring Boot
  1. Spring To Spring Boot
  2. Using Annotations In Spring Boot
  3. Different Layers
  4. Service Class
  5. Repository Layer
Spring JDBC
  1. Spring JDBC Introduction
  2. Creating A Spring JDBC Project
  3. Student Service And Repo
  4. JDBC template
  5. Schema And Data Files
  6. Rowmapper
  7. Spring JDBC Postgres
Spring Boot Web
  1. Web App Introduction
  2. Creating A Servlet Project
  3. Running Tomcat
  4. Servlet Mapping
  5. Responding To The Client
  6. Introduction to MVC
  7. Creating a Spring Boot Web App Project
  8. Creating a JSP Page
  9. Creating a Controller
  10. Request Mapping
  11. Sending data to Controller
  12. Accepting Data the servlet way
  13. Display Data on Result Page
  14. RequestParam
  15. Model Object
  16. Setting Prefix and Suffix
  17. Model And View
  18. Need for Model Attribute
  19. Using Model Attribute


Exploring Web MVC without Spring Boot
  1. Spring MVC Introduction
  2. Creating a Spring MVC Project
  3. Running Tomcat in Eclipse
  4. Dispatcher Servlet
  5. Configuring the Dispatcher Servlet
  6. Internal Resource View Resolver
  7. Summary
Building a Project
  1. Building Job App
  2. Creating a Project
  3. Understanding Views
  4. Home and AddJob Controller
  5. Handling Form
  6. Working with Layers
  7. View Data
  8. Summary for Job Webapp
Rest using Spring Boot
  1. Rest using Spring Boot Introduction
  2. What is REST
  3. Http Methods
  4. Understanding the React UI
  5. Working with Postman
  6. Creating a Rest Controller
  7. Path Variable
  8. Connecting React and Spring
  9. Sending Data and RequestBody
  10. Put and Delete Mapping
  11. Content Negotiation
Spring Data JPA
  1. Spring Data JPA Introduction
  2. What is ORM and JPA
  3. Creating Table And Inserting Data
  4. Findall
  5. findById
  6. Query DSL
  7. Update and Delete
  8. JPA in Job App
  9. Loading Data and Entity
  10. Search by Keyword
  11. React UI for Search
  12. React UI for Update and Delete
Project using Spring Boot MVC
  1. Project Introduction
  2. Running and Understanding the React UI Code
  3. Spring Boot Project Setup
  4. Creating Product Model and Table
  5. Fetching All Products from DB
  6. ResponseEntity
  7. Fetch Product By Id
  8. Add Product with Image
  9. Fetch Product Image
  10. Update and Delete Product
  11. Search
Spring Data Rest
  1. Spring Data Rest Introduction
  2. Creating A Data Rest Project
  3. Running The Project
  4. Update And Delete
Spring AOP
  1. Spring AOP Introduction
  2. Logging the Calls
  3. AOP Concepts
  4. Before Advice
  5. JoinPoint
  6. After Advice
  7. Performance Monitoring using Around Advice
  8. Validating the input using Around Advice
Spring Security
  1. Importance Of Security
  2. OWASP Top 10
  3. Creating a Spring Security Project
  4. default login form
  5. Spring Security Filters
  6. Session ID
  7. Setting username and password
  8. Basic Auth using Postman
  9. What is CSRF
  10. Error without CSRF Token
  11. Sending CSRF Token
  12. Same Site Strict
  13. Security Configuration
  14. Disabling CSRF Token
  15. without lambda
  16. Getting ready for user database
  17. Working with Multiple Users
  18. Creating User table and db properties
  19. AuthenticationProvider
  20. Creating a UserDetailsService
  21. User Repository
  22. UserDetails and UserPrincipal
  23. Summary till now
  24. What is Bcrypt
  25. User Registration
  26. BCrypt Encoding for User Registration
  27. Setting Password Encoder
Securing Job App
  1. Plan to secure Job App Project
  2. Cross Origin
  3. Adding Security Configuration
  4. Job App is secure now
JWT (JSON Web Token) and OAuth2
  1. Encryption and Decryption
  2. Project Setup for JWT
  3. Why JWT
  4. What is JWT
  5. Custom Login
  6. Generating token
  7. Token Generated
  8. Creating a JWT Filter
  9. Setting AuthToken in SecurityContext
  10. Validating token
  11. JWT Summary
  12. Implementing OAuth2
  13. Google Oauth2 Login
  14. Github Login
  1. Docker Introduction
  2. What Problem We Are Trying To Solve
  3. Solution With Virtualization
  4. Solution With Containerization
  5. What is Docker
  6. Docker Setup
  7. Running First Container
  8. Docker Commands
  9. Docker Architecture
  10. Running JDK Docker Container
  11. Packing The Spring Boot Web App
  12. Running Spring Boot Web App On Docker
  13. Docker File For Docker Images
  14. Web App With Postgres
  15. Docker Compose
  16. Running Multiple Containers
  17. Docker Volumes
Cloud Deployment
  1. What is Cloud
  2. Which cloud
  3. AWS account signup process
  4. AWS services and IAM account
  5. Simple Web App Project
  6. Deploying on Elastic Beanstalk
  7. Spring Project with DB
  8. Creating database in AWS RDS
  9. Deploying app on Beanstalk
  10. Introduction to ECS
  11. Configuring AWS CLI
  12. Creating Cluster and Task
  13. Running the task for Postgres
  14. Pushing the docker image to ECR
  15. Running Java App Task

Tools and Technologies

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Java Spring Boot 
Developer Course Fee

Option 1: One Time Payment

Course Fee

₹ 20,000


Option 2: Pay In EMI

Pay In easy EMI

₹ 6,000 X 4 months

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