JavaScript Developer Course

Live Instructor-Led Classes with Project-Based Learning in JavaScript Developer Course

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Course Highlights

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Hands-on Coding Exercises

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Master classes by Industry Experts

2-Year LMS access

Certificate of Accomp-lishment

Flexible EMI Options

JavaScript Developer 
Course Overview

Are you ready to master the language that powers the web and build dynamic, interactive websites and applications?

Our JavaScript Development Course is a live, instructor-led program designed to transform you into a skilled JavaScript developer in just 6 months. From mastering the fundamentals of JavaScript (variables, functions, objects) to advanced topics like asynchronous programming, DOM manipulation, and event-driven architecture, this course provides everything you need to build powerful front-end and back-end applications. You’ll also explore modern JavaScript frameworks such as React.js, Vue.js, and Node.js for full-stack development.

With hands-on projects, you’ll learn how to create interactive user interfaces, handle APIs, and develop robust server-side applications. The course also covers ES6+ features, module bundling, and the latest trends in JavaScript development, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.

Contact a career counselor today to check your eligibility and start your journey toward becoming a proficient JavaScript developer!

Career Services 
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Your working style and behavior decide if you are a good cultural fit. Learn the right skills so you never feel out of place at work.

Sell your skills, and sell them well.

You are halfway there if you have a great resume and an optimized online presence. Work with our experts to build your professional profiles.

Attend mock interviews!

Get a grip on those pre-interview nerves. Test and practice your skills with mock interview sessions.

JavaScript Developer 
Course Syllabus

An industry-aligned curriculum to make you productive from day one – we update the curriculum every month to make sure you learn the most in-demand skills.

Introduction to JavaScript
  1. How to communicate with the computer?
  2. What is JS?
  3. JS – Advantages and Limitations
  4. Where is JS used today?
  5. Development tools
  6. Online development environment
  7. Local development environment (code editor, interpreter, debugger)
  8. How can you run your JavaScript code?
  9. Executing the code directly in the console.
Variables, Data Types, Type Casting, and Comments
  1. Naming, declaring and initializing variables
  2. Declarations and strict mode
  3. Changing variable values
  4. Constants
  5. Scope (blocks, shadowing, hoisting)
  6. Data types in JS;
  7. Primitive data types – Boolean
  8. Primitive data types – Number
  9. Primitive data types – BigInt
  10. Primitive data types – String
  11. Primitive data types – undefined
  12. Primitive data types – Symbol
  13. Primitive data types – null
  14. Type casting – primitive construction functions – null
  15. Type casting – primitive conversions
  16. Conversion to String
  17. Conversion to Number
  18. Conversion to Boolean
  19. Conversion to BigInt
  20. Implicit Conversions
  21. Complex data types – Object
  22. Complex data types – Array
  23. Array – the length property
  24. Array – the indexOf method
  25. Array – the push method
  26. Array – the unshift method
  27. Array – the pop method
  28. Array – the reverse method
  29. Array – the slice method
  30. Array – the concat method
  31. Single-line comments
  32. Multi-line comments
  33. Documentation
  34. Code toggle.
Operators and User Interaction
  1. What are operators?
  2. Assignment operators
  3. Arithmetic operators
  4. Arithmetic operators – compound assignment operators
  5. Logical operators
  6. Logical operators – compound assignment operators
  7. String operators: concatenation and compound assignment
  8. Comparison operators
  9. Other JS operators (typeof, instanceof, delete, and ternary)
  10. Operator precedence
  11. How to interact with the user in JavaScript?
  12. Dialog boxes – alert
  13. Dialog boxes – confirm
  14. Dialog boxes – prompt.
Control Flow – Conditional Execution and Loops
  1. What is conditional execution?
  2. The if statement
  3. The if–else statement
  4. The if–else–if statement
  5. The conditional operator
  6. The switch–case statement
  7. What are loops?
  8. The while loop
  9. The do–while loop
  10. The for loop
  11. The for–of loop
  12. The for–in loop
  13. The break and continue statements.
  1. What are functions?
  2. Declaring functions
  3. Calling functions
  4. Local variables
  5. The return statement
  6. Function parameters
  7. Shadowing
  8. Parameter validation
  9. Recursion
  10. Functions as first-class members
  11. Function expressions
  12. Synchronous callbacks
  13. Asynchronous callbacks
  14. Arrow functions.
Errors, exceptions, debugging, and troubleshooting
  1. Errors – the programmer’s daily bread
  2. Natural languages and communication errors
  3. Errors vs exceptions
  4. Errors without exceptions
  5. Limited confidence
  6. Types of errors – SyntaxError
  7. Types of errors – ReferenceError
  8. Types of errors – TypeError
  9. Types of errors – RangeError
  10. The try–catch statement
  11. Conditional exception handling
  12. The finally statement
  13. The throw statement and custom errors
  14. What is debugging?
  15. Step-by-step execution
  16. Environment preparation
  17. The debugger statement
  18. The resume option
  19. Code debugging without the debugger statement
  20. The step over option
  21. The step into option
  22. The call stack option
  23. Viewing and modifying variables
  24. The step out option
  25. TMeasuring code execution time.

Tools and Technologies

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Attend job readiness training along with your technical training.

Master JavaScript Development with

How do I enroll in this program?

Step 1


Step 2

Talk to A Counsellor

Step 3

Review Your Eligiblity

Step 4

Get Started

JavaScript Developer 
Course Fee

Option 1: One Time Payment

Course Fee

₹ 20,000


Option 2: Pay In EMI

Pay In easy EMI

₹ 6,000 X 4 months

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